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Win Mobile 6.0


Interneti, WAP ja MMS seadistused

Aparaadi tüüp:   pihuarvuti-telefon
Operatsioonisüsteem:   Windows Mobile 6.0
Mobiilside operaator:   ELISA
1) Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced -> Select Networks
2) Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using: My ISP -> Edit... -> New...
3) Enter a name for the connection:   ELISA internet
    Select a modem: Cellular Line (GPRS) -> Next
    Access point name:   internet-> Next -> Finish -> ok -> ok -> ok -> x
1) Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced -> Select Networks
2) Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using: New...
3) Enter a name for these settings: ELISA WAP
4) Modem -> New...
5) Enter a name for the connection: ELISA WAP
    Select a modem: Cellular Line (GPRS) -> Next
    Access point name:   wap -> Next -> Finish -> Proxy Settings (ekraani all ääres)
6) This network connects to the Internet:  märkida kasti linnuke (x)
    This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet:  märkida kasti linnuke (x) -> Advanced...
        WAP -> Server: : 9201 -> ok -> ok -> ok -> ok -> ok  -> x

NB!  WAP lehekülje aadressi ette peab Internet Explorer's kirjutama wsp://  , näiteks ELISA WAP avalehe puhul  wsp://wap.elisa.ee (et oleks lihtsam avada on soovitav ELISA WAP avaleht lisada Favorites nimekirja).
NB!  Täppidega tähtede nägemiseks WAP leheküljel valige Internet Explorer's  Menu -> Tools -> Options... -> Encoding alt Unicode (UTF-8) ja vajutage ok. Uuendades nüüd lehekülge, tulevad nähtavale täppidega tähed.

1) Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced -> Select Networks
2) Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using: New...
3) Enter a name for these settings:  MMS
4) Modem -> New...
5) Enter a name for the connection:  ELISA MMS    Select a modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G) -> Next
    Access point name:   mms -> Next -> Finish -> ok
    Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using: valida loetelust:  WAP -> ok -> ok -> x
6) Start -> Messaging -> Menu -> (Tools ->) Options... -> MMS  (osade aparaatide puhul selline menüüvalik puudub (näiteks HTC Touch), sel juhul tuleb hakata kirjutama uut MMS sõnumit valides dokumendimalliks näiteks Custom, seejärel valida Menu ja MMS options)
7) Valida Servers -> valida SampleMMSC (selle puudumisel valida New)
    Server name: MMS
    Server address: ->
    Connect via:  MMS
    Sending size limitation: 100K
    WAP Version:  WAP 1.2
    Valida ok -> ok -> x -> x