Win Mobile 5.0
Interneti, WAP ja MMS seadistused
Aparaadi tüüp: pihuarvuti-telefon
Operatsioonisüsteem: Windows Mobile 5.0
Mobiilside operaator: ELISA
1) Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced -> Select Networks
2) Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using: My ISP -> Edit... -> New...
3) Enter a name for the connection: ELISA internet
Select a modem: Cellular Line (GPRS) ->Next
Access point name: internet-> Next -> Finish -> ok -> ok -> ok -> x
NB! GPRS ühenduse lõpetamiseks on lihtsaim võimalus hoida kõne lõpetamise (punast) klahvi umbes 5 sekundit all.
1) Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced -> Select Networks
2) Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using: New...
3) Enter a name for these settings: WAP
4) Modem -> New...
5) Enter a name for the connection: ELISA WAP
Select a modem: Cellular Line (GPRS) -> Next
Access point name: wap -> Next -> Finish -> Proxy Settings (ekraani all ääres)
6) This network connects to the Internet: märkida kasti linnuke (x)
This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet: x -> Advanced...
WAP -> Server: 9201 -> ok -> ok -> ok -> ok -> ok -> x
NB! WAP lehekülje aadressi ette peab Internet Explorer's kirjutama wsp:// , näiteks ELISA WAP avalehe puhul wsp:// (et oleks lihtsam avada on soovitav ELISA WAP avaleht lisada Favorites nimekirja).
NB! Täppidega tähtede nägemiseks WAP leheküljel valige Internet Explorer's Menu -> Tools -> Options... -> Encoding alt Unicode (UTF-8) ja vajutage ok. Uuendades nüüd lehekülge, tulevad nähtavale täppidega tähed.
NB! GPRS ühenduse lõpetamiseks on lihtsaim võimalus hoida kõne lõpetamise (punast) klahvi umbes 5 sekundit all.
1) Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connections -> Advanced -> Select Networks
2) Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using: New...
3) Enter a name for these settings: MMS
4) Modem -> New...
5) Enter a name for the connection: ELISA MMS
Select a modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G) -> Next
Access point name: mms -> Next -> Finish -> ok
Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using: valida loetelust: WAP -> ok -> ok -> x
6) Start -> Messaging -> Menu -> Tools -> Options... -> MMS
Servers -> valida SampleMMSC (selle puudumisel valida New)
Server name: ELISA MMS
Server address:
Connect via: MMS
Sending size limitation: 100K
WAP Version: WAP 1.2
Valida ok -> ok -> x -> x